Voraussichtlich in den D&D-"Revised"-Büchern (3.5) geänderte Regeln
Dies ist eine Sammlung von Gerüchten! Es handelt sich hier größtenteils um Zitate aus Internet-Foren, daher ist die Korrektheit (insb. sprachliche und grammatikalische) nicht immer gewährleistet.
- DIe Regeln werden so geschrieben sein, daß sie auf Miniaturen udn Battlemats ausgeleget sind. WotC wird eine neue bereits bemalte Miniaturen Serie herausbringen.
- Es wird ein Combat and Tactics Buch geben was den Kampf mit Minis mehr Optionen geben soll.
- "All creatures now have a square space on the battle grid. "Space" in this case refers to the creature's fighting space--the area it needs in battle to fight properly. Horses and other large creatures will take up a 10x10 space, mimicking the fact that they wheel around in a fight, rather than standing in a rectangle. The PH will include rules for big creatures to fit into smaller spaces, so that 15x15 cloud giant can still pursue you down the 10-ft. corridor. :)" (Andy Collins)
- All unnamed bonuses on magical items are considered circumstance/competence bonuses and do not stack.
- All shields and shield like items/spells now grant a "shield bonus" which do not stack with each other (no buckler and shield spell combos).
- Damage Reduction wird überarbeitet. Alle DR werden gesenkt werden.
Man braucht spezielle Waffenarten oder Waffen aus bestimten Materialien oder EIgenschaften um Kreaturen mit DR zu verletzen, so braucht man für einen Pit Fiend z.B. eine Holysilver Weapon oder man muß 15 SP vom Schaden abziehen.
Für Skelette braucht man Wuchtwaffen oder man muß 5Sp vom Schaden abziehen, für Lykanthropen braucht man SIlberwaffen oder die DR greift selbst wenn die Waffe +5 sein sollte.
Feenwesen werden durch kalten Stahl (cold iron) betroffen sein.
Materialien/Eigenschaften: Magic, Adamantine, Lawful, Good, Silver, Cold Steel, Holysilver, Adamantine.
Sehr wahrscheinlich wird dann auch geben: Evil, Chaos, Mithril.
Evtl. noch: Wood? (Darkwood).
- DR... silver, cold iron, magic, adamantine, epic (+6 or better), bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, alignment. And combos possible, magic-silvered for example. Ranges 5 to 15 (but I think he mentioned 20 appearing in there somewhere...)
- Facing und Reach wird etwas überarbeitet und ähnlich wie bei Chain Mail behandelt. Kreaturen haben Kontrollzonen.
- Die Licht und Sichtverhältnisse werden überarbeitet. Eine Fackel wird einen bereich von 20ft. erhellen dahinter wir dein Bereich sein der Halbdunkel ist bis es völlig dunkel wird. Low -Light Vision wird klarer gemacht.
- Im RDMG werden Regeln zum Unterwasserkampf sein.
- In den neuen Büchern werden evtl. die Background Seiten verschwinden.
- Das SRD wird aktualisiert, sobald die Bücher im Laden stehen.
- MMII will see a web update to convert over to 3.5 and should be available the day 3.5e core books are realeased. Splatbooks won't unless there is a huge outcry.
- Wizards of the Coast will offer a free backward-compatibility guide to enable players to use their existing DUNGEONS & DRAGONS accessory titles with the new core rulebooks. The free guide includes revision notes for the EPIC LEVEL HANDBOOK, FIEND FOLIO, MANUAL OF THE PLANES, DEITIES AND DEMIGODS, and MONSTER MANUAL II. It also contains general advice for use with any third edition D&D(R) supplement and makes upgrading to D&D v.3.5 both easy and fun. Players will be able to download the guide from www.wizards/dnd.
- "For the core books, it's mostly nomenclatural (is that a word?) in its approach - showing you where names have changed or where things have gone away or been folded into other elements. For the other books covered in the guide (DDG, ELH, MotP, MM2, FF) the guide goes into a bit more detail, but it's hardly a "revision" of those books. Overall, the booklet's about 30-something pages of pretty dense text, designed to help DMs adapt their games from 3.0 to 3.5. Most savvy DMs may well not even need the booklet, as most of the material is common-sense types of changes." (Andy Collins)
- "Mostly, there's about 36 pages of direct application and insight in the booklet. Much of the advice will be comparative in nature, but we aren't shy about saying why you do something. That makes extrapolating for other material fairly easy." (Ed Greenwood)
- Gnome erhalten Weapon Familiarity mit dem Gnomischen Hakenhammer, dies ist für sie eine Kriegswaffe.
- Gnome erhalten +1 auf alle Illusionszauber-SG.
- Gnome erhalten +2 auf "Craft (alchemy)" statt auf "Alchemy".
- Gnome haben "Barde" als bevorzugte Klasse.
- Halb-Elfen erhalten +2 auf Informationen sammeln und Diplomatie.
- Halflings aren't innately proficient with slings, though they will get a +1 bonus to attacks with slings and thrown weapons.
- Orks erhalten Weapon Familiarity mit der Orkischen Doppelaxt.
- Zwerge erhalten Weapon Familarity mit Dwaven Urgosh und Waraxe, dies sind für sie Kriegswaffen.
- Zwerge kriegen +4 gg. Trip oder Bull Rush Attacks, wenn sie auf festem Boden stehen.
- Zwerge bekommen in schwerer Rüstung keinen Bewegungsabzug.
- Barbar:
- Trap sense at level 3 (bonus to reflex saves vs traps). Trap sense improves by +1 every 3rd level.
- DR 1/- at level 7. DR improves by 1 at levels 10, 13, 16 and 19.
- Greater Rage at level 11.
- Indomitable Will at level 14 (+4 to Will saves vs enchantments).
- Tireless Rage at level 17.
- Mighty Rage at level 20 (Rage bonus increases to +8 Str, +8 Con, +4 Will).
- Barden:
- erhalten mehr Music Abilities und die alten Fähigkeiten werden klarifiziert.
- erhalten 6 Fertigkeitspunkte.
- ignorieren Arcane Spell Failure von leichter Rüstung, aber nicht von mittelschwerer oder schwerer Rüstung oder von Schilden.
- Mehr Knowledge Boni.
- Überarbeitete Zauberliste.
- Diplomatie und Auftreten werden leicht überarbeitet.
- Sie sollen Diplomaten/Informationssammler-Flair erhalten.
- A Bard with 15 or more ranks in Perform can duplicate the effects of the emotion spell for as long as he sings (and will have more songs in general).
- Magic missile is off of the Bard's spell list, and it mentions the have and inside track on Enchantment on Div. spells.
- Song of Freedom, Mass Suggestion und Inspire Heroics: Song of Freedom is the equivalent of a Break Enchantments spell that he cannot target himself with. Inspire Heroics gives 1 Taget +1/3 levels over 15th +4 on all Saves and +4 AC. Mass Suggestions uses the suggestion effect on every creature that he already has facinated.
- können ab Stufe 4 auf jeder geraden Stufe einen Zauber austauschen. DIeser muss zwei Grade niedriger sein als der höchste Zaubergrad (daher auf Stufe 4 ein 0. Grad Spruch).
- "The bard picked up a lot of spells that improve his proficiency with charms, illusions, and general trickery. Some were brand new spells, others were spells from other classes, and others were picked up from other sources. Examples of spells new to the bard list include deep slumber (a more powerful sleep spell), fox's cunning (Int-booster), and greater shout." (Andy Collins)
- Druiden:
- bessere Zauberliste, vor allem mehr Zauber, die Tiere betreffen.
- Neues Talent "Natural Spell" (MotW?) erlaubt Zaubern in Tierform.
- Tiergefährten werden komplett überarbeitet, erhalten wohl Entrinnen und Verbessertes Entrinnen, beim Aufstieg steigen TW, ST und GE des Wesens. Der Druide bekommt +4 auf "Mit Tieren umgehen" bzgl. des Tiergefährten. Eine Fähigkeit namens "Devotion" verleiht einen Willens-RW +4. Außerdem Multi-Attack.
- There's a 9th level Druid whose Animal Companion has the Special Qualities of "Link", "Share Spells" and "Devotion". The Animal Companion has a 2 Intelligence and knows 9 tricks.
- "We strengthened the class's ability to deal out direct damage, while retaining its traditional support features."
- Listen, Ride und Spot sind Klassenfertigkeiten, Scry und Animal Empathy gibt es nicht mehr.
- Kein Umgang mit Halfspear.
- Keine Beschränkung der Waffen durch Kodex.
- Spontaneous Casting: Summon Nature's Ally.
- Tiergefährten verbessern sich beim Aufstieg. Es gibt ein "Adjustment" für mächtige Tiergefährten.
- Nature Sense: +2 auf Knowledge (nature) und Survival.
- Wild Empathy: Ähnlich wie Diplomatie, aber auf Tiere. 1W20+Stufe+CH. 9m, 1 Min. -4 bei Magischen Bestien mit IN 1 oder 2.
- Tiergestalt: Alle vom Typ "Tier". Max 1h pro Stufe. Standardaktion ohne GA. +1 auf Stufen 5, 6, 7, 10, 14, 18. Groß auf Stufe 8. Sehr klein auf Stufe 11. Riesig auf Stufe 15. Trefferwürfel-Begrenzung. Pflanzen auf Stufe 12. Kleine bis große Elementare auf Stufe 16, 2x auf 18, 3x auf 20.
- Animal Companion Table:
1-2: HD+0 AC+0 Str/Dex+0 Bonus Tricks 1 Link (+4 Wild Empathy and Handle Animal checks), Share Spells
3-5: HD+2 AC+2 Str/Dex+1 Bonus Tricks 2 Evasion
6-8: HD+4 AC+4 Str/Dex+2 Bonus Tricks 3 Devotion (+4 Save vs. Enchantments)
9-11: HD+6 AC+6 Str/Dex+3 Bonus Tricks 4 Multiattack (if no multiple attack forms the creature gets an addition strike at -5)
12-14: HD+8 AC+8 Str/Dex+4 Bonus Tricks 5
15-17: HD+10 AC+10 Str/Dex+5 Bonus Tricks 6 Improved Evasion
18-20: HD+12 AC+12 Str/Dex+6 Bonus Tricks 7
Und die Tiere:
Level 4: Ape, Black Bear, Bison, Boar, Cheetah, Crocodile, Dire Badger, Dire Rat, Dire Weasel, Leopard, Monitor Lizard, Large Shark, Constrictor Snake, Large Viper Snake, Wolverine.
Level 7: Brown Bear, Giant Crocodile, Deinonychus, Dire Ape, Dire Boar, Dire Wolf, Dire Wolverine, Elasmosaurus, Lion, Rhinoceros, Huge Viper Snake, Tiger.
Level 10: Polar Bear, Dire Lion, Megaraptor, Huge Shark, Giant Constictor Snake, Orca Whale.
Level 13: Dire Bear, Giant Octopus, Elephant.
Level 16: Dire Shark, Dire Tiger, Giant Squid, Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus.
- Hexenmeister:
- Vertraute geben +3 auf Fertigkeiten. Die Kröte gibt +3 TP. Alle diese Fähigkeiten entsprechen Talenten.
- Bluffen und Magischen Gegenstand benutzen sind Klassenfertigkeiten.
- können ab Stufe 4 auf jeder geraden Stufe einen Zauber austauschen. DIeser muss zwei Grade niedriger sein als der höchste Zaubergrad (daher auf Stufe 4 ein 0. Grad Spruch).
- Kämpfer: Intimidate als Klassenfertigkeit, Zugriff auf einige neue Feats wie Greater Weapon Specialization.
- Kleriker: Domains sollen etwa gleich stark gemacht werden.
- Magier:
- Vertraute: siehe Hexenmeister.
- Wizard now has Decipher Script as a class skill.
- Die Kosten für das Übertragen vcon Zaubern in ein Zauberbuch sind deutlich gesunken.
- Spezialisten müssen zwei verbotene Schulen wählen, darunter darf nicht Erkenntnis sein. Seher müssen nur eine verbotene Schule wählen.
- "Specialization will require giving up 2 schools (except diviners, who give up only one). You can't give up Divination. That seems harsh, but it makes much more sense when you see how much help many of the schools of magic have received and how a couple of schools have been ratcheted down a bit. Necromancers, for instance, have picked up a bunch of cool new spells, making necromancy a much better specialization than before." (ENWorld)
- Mönche:
- Unbewaffnete Angriffe werden mit normalen GAB stacken.
- Monks gain Improved Flurry at 14th level; treat as the Lightning Fists feat.
- Monks gain Ki Strike (+1 magic) at 4th, Ki strike (+2 magic, lawful) at 10th, and Ki Strike (+3 magic, lawful, adamantine) at 16th.
- können zwischen mehreren Bonustalenten wählen, z.B. ob sie Stunning Fist haben wollen oder Improved Grapple. Hier die Liste: 1st: Improved Grapple/Stunning Fist, 2nd: Combat Reflexes/Deflect Arrows, 6th: Improved Disarm/Improved Trip.
- Es gibt scheinbar keine bessere Unarmed Attack routine mehr.
- Schadenswürfel mit unbewaffneten Angriffen springen nicht von 1W12 auf 1W20, sondern haben andere Abstufungen.
- "We found that it was too frustrating for monks in melee combat. When they got to flurry, they simply never hit anything thanks to a lower BAB than the fighters and the -2 penalty. We made it better by reducing the penalty from -2 to -1 at 5th, and to -0 at 9th. Also, the monk gains an extra flurry attack at -5 from BAB at 11th level. The fact that flurry isn't a separate BAB category means it'll stack with other classes' BAB, which makes it easier to use in game. The monk also only has one BAB line, just like everybody else. The monk can now "keep up" much better with other melee characters, though she's still not the equal of the ftr or bbn but that's OK, since she has plenty of other shticks that they don't." (Andy Collins)
- Paladin:
- keine Immunität gegen alle Krankheiten usw. auf Stufe 1.
- Divine grace und Lay on hands erst auf Stufe 2.
- Turn Undead ab Stufe 4.
- Smite Evil: 1/day at 1st level, 2/day at 5th level, 3/day at 10th level, 4/day at 15th level, and 5/day at 20th level.
- Reittier kann man rufen und entlassen, einmal pro Tag für 2h pro Stufe.
- Reittier bekommt auf Stufe 8 +3m BR.
- "a few new spells on the list (lesser restoration at 1st, bull's strength at 2nd, remove curse at 3rd, and restoration at 4th, to name a few)."
- Schurken:
- Rogues gain trap sensing at 5th level; treat as if they were actively searching for a trap at all times.
- Trap Sense gibt + auf AC und Reflex Saves gg. Fallen (Ersetzt Uncanny Dodge Boni vs. Fallen).
- It looks like Rogues will be getting that second level of UD later. There's a 6th level Rogue with UD and a Rogue10/Assassin8 with "Improved Uncanny Dodge".
- Waldläufer:
- Trefferwürfel: W8
- Fertigkeitspunkte: 6+ IN
- Erzfeind: je +2 auf Stufen 1 (?), 5, 10, 15, 20 (improved species enemies abilities?)
- Zweiwaffenkampf- oder Bogenschützen-Talent: auf Stufen 2, 6, 11
- Stufe 1: Wild empathy (ersetzt Animal empathy) - Treat like the emotion (friendship) spell usable at will that works on a single targeted animal within close range (only one attempt per animal in a 24 hour period however).
- Stufe 3: Ausdauer
- Stufe 4: Tiergefährte(n)
- Stufe 7: Unterholz durchqueren
- Stufe 8: Swift tracker (move normal speed while tracking)
- Stufe 9: Entrinnen
- Stufe 13: Camouflage (hide in any terrain even without cover or concealment)
- Stufe 17: Hide in plain sight
- Ranger can use the Track feat while running with a -10 penalty.
- Zauberlisten-Änderungen: He gains charm animal as a 1st level spell choice, a better barkskin as 2nd, darkvision at 3rd, and animal growth at 4th.
- guter Reflex-RW (?)
- Tiergefährten: siehe Druide.
- Fähigkeiten:
- Should a character receive the Uncanny Dodge ability from more than one class, she may stack the levels of those classes together to determine the level of Uncanny Dodge granted.
- Bessere Darstellung der Knowledge Skills (z.B. Arcana kann man verwenden um herauszufinden was magische Spezialangriffe eines Monsters sind).
- "Wilderness Lore" wird umbenannt in "Survival".
- "Scry" wird es nicht mehr als Fertigkeit geben.
- It seemed to indicate that Wild Empathy was a class ability not a skill and would be replacing the old Animal Empathy skill.
- There are no more exclusive skills. Anyone can take skill ranks in any skill.
- Since there are no more class exclusive skills, some skills require another skill to be effective. The example given was the new Wild Empathy skill will require ranks in diplomacy to work effectively.
- Die Trankliste wird überarbeitet und es soll eindeutiger sein, welche Zauber man in Tränke packen kann und welche nicht.
- More +2 to 2 related skills feats. Acrobatic feat: +2 to Jump and Tumble for example.
- Neu: Acrobatic, Agile, Animal Affinity, Athletic, Augment Summoning, Improved Feint, Deceitful, Deft Hands, Diligent, Diehard, Eschew Materials, Improved Counterspell, Improved Turning, Improved Grapple, Improved Precise Shot, Snatch Arrows, Investigator, Magical Affinity, Natural Spell, Negotiator, Nimble Fingers, Persuasive, Manyshot, Improved Overrun, Rapid Reload, Self-Sufficient, Improved Shield Bash, Tower Shield Proficiency, Greater Spell Focus, Greater Spell Penetration, Stealthy, Two-Weapon Defense, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Greater Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Specialization, Widen Spell, Craft Construct.
- Umbenannt: Combat Expertise, Improved Sunder.
- You can only add one improved metamagic effect to any particular spell. You can still stack other metamagic effects on the spell but it is reduced only once on any particular feat (or stackings of the same feat).
- Combat Casting: +4 auch wenn man pinned oder grappled ist.
- (Diehard: essentially allows you to automatically stabalize when between -1 and -9 hit points.)
- Die Hard: man bleibt auch bei -1 bis -9 noch wach und wird nicht ohnmächtig.
- Dodge feat grants +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class against a single opponent.
- Endurance: +4 on all checks for: Swim checks, Forced March checks, Starvation and Thirst checks, Hot and Cold environment checks, and suffocation checks against non-Lethal damage. +4 on checks to continue running. And you may sleep in Light or Medium armor without becoming fatigued.
- Fertigkeitsfokus gibt +3.
- Geschosse abwehren: ohne Reflexwurf, Kämpfer-Bonustalent.
- Greater Weapon Focus: Pre-requisite Fighter level 8; +1 to hit which stacks with Weapon Focus.
- Greater Weapon Specialization: Pre-requisite: Fighter Level 12; +2 to damage which stacks with Weapon Specialization.
- Improved Deint: Feint als Move Action.
- Improved Precise Shot: Your attacks ignore the AC bonus granted to targets by anything less than total cover, and the miss chance granted to targets by anything less than total concealment... In addition, when you shoot or throw ranged weapons at a grappling opponent, you automatically strike at the opponent you have chosen.
- Improved Shield Bash: As Shield Expert in Sword & Fist.
- Improved Turning gibt +1 Level auf Turning Checks.
- Investigator: You get a +2 bonus on all Gather Information and Search checks. No pre-reqs.
- Kampf mit zwei Waffen: man erhält vollen Str-Bonus auf den Schaden auch mit der Off-Hand Attack.
- Kampf mit zwei Waffen: gibt zusätzlich die Boni, die es früher durch Beidhändigkeit gab.
- Kampfreflexe: Man kann jetzt mehrere Gelegenheitsangriffe gegen einen einzelnen Gegner machen, falls mehrere solche aus unterschiedlichen Gelegenheiten provoziert werden (z.B. ein bedrohtes Feld verlassen und dann in einem bedrohten Feld zaubern).
- Magic Aptitude: +2 Use Magical Device und Spellcraft.
- Negotiator: +2 Sense Motive und +2 Diplomacy.
- Power Attack: "Benefit: On your action, before making attack rolls for a round, you may choose to subtract a number from all melee attack rolls and add the same number to all melee damage rolls. This number may not exceed your base attack bonus. The penalty on attack and bonus on damage apply until your next turn. Special: If you attack with a two-handed weapon, or with a one-handed weapon wielded in two hands, instead add twice the number subtracted from your attack rolls. You can't add the bonus from Power Attack to the damage dealt with a light weapon (except with unarmed strikes or natural weapon attacks), even though the penalty on attack rolls still applies. (Normally, you treat a double weapon as a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. If you choose to use a double weapon like a two-handed weapon, attacking with only one end of it in a round, you treat it as a two-handed weapon)."
- Quicken Spell wurde NICHT geändert.
- Snatch Arrows: Prereq. Dex 15, Deflect Arrows; When using the Deflect Arrows feat, you may catch the weapon instead of just deflecting it. Thrown weapons, such as spears or axes, can immediately be thrown back at the original attacker (even though it isn't your turn) or kept for later use. Fighter bonus feat.
- Two-Weapon Defense gibt +1 RK /+2 bei Voller Verteidigung.
- Waffenfinesse zählt nicht mehr nur für EINE Waffe, sondern für alle erlaubten.
- Zauberfokus: gibt nur noch +1 und Greater Spell Focus +2.
- Anyone can wield a weapon of any size, after a size penalty if you use a weapon made for someone of a different size.
- Peitschen können sowohl zum Schaden verursachen und zur Trip Attack eingesetzt werden, bisher könnte man nur eins von beiden machen.
- Whip ist eine Reach Weapon, die bei Benutzung AoO verursacht (15ft Reach).
- The weight of some items have changed, small and large sized characters will notice the difference.
- Tower Shield gibt +4 AC/+4 Ref und max Dex Mod +2, kein Angriff möglich, wenn man Cover nutzt.
- Neue Waffe: Sai.
- Spiked Shiel ist Martial Weapon.
- Mounted Combat, Grappling etc. werden klarifiziert und erhalten ein paar mehr Optionen.
- Overall, the combat section thinned out a little.
- Dass die Verbesserungsboni von Fernkampfwaffen und Munition kumulieren... "Thanks to a couple of changes - one minor, one more significant - this shouldn't be a problem in 3.5."
→ Es gilt nur der höhere der beiden Boni.
- New condition: Sickened (-2 on all checks including weapon damage rolls).
- Multiple effects that expand critical threat ranges no longer stack.
- Die Magieschulen werden verändert, was auch Auswirkungen auf die verbotenen Schulen bei Magier Spezialisten haben wird.
- alle Attributszauber sollen nun im PHB drin stehen und auf allen Spell-Lists der Main Caster (Wizard/Sorcerer, Bard, Druid und Cleric zu finden sein)
- Zauber werden vom Wirkungsbereich so verändert, daß sie besser auf eine Battlemap passen (daher ähnlich wie im jetzigen DMG aufgezeigt).
- "We standardized a lot of areas, making the spell effect templates possible and useful." (Andy Collins)
- Einige Zauber werden einen veränderten Grad haben.
- Neue Zauber:
- Acid Splash - Sor/Wiz 0
- Animate Plants - Drd 7, Plant 7
- Arcane Sight - Sor/Wiz 3
- Arcane Sight, Greater - Sor/Wiz 7
- Baleful Polymorph - Drd 5, Sor/Wiz 5
- Bear's Endurance, Mass - Clr 6, Drd 6, Sor/Wiz 6
- Blight - Drd 4, Sor/Wiz 5
- Bull's Strength, Mass - Clr 6, Drd 6, Sor/Wiz 6
- Call Lightning Storm - Drd 5
- Cat's Grace, Mass - Brd 6, Drd 6, Sor/Wiz 6
- Command Undead - Sor/Wiz 2
- Cure Critical Wounds, Mass - Clr 8, Drd 9, Healing 8
- Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass - Brd 6, Clr 6, Drd 7
- Cure Serious Wouns, Mass - Clr 7, Drd 8
- Daze Monster - Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2
- Deep Slumber - Brd 3, Sor/Wiz 3
- Dimensional Lock - Clr 8, Sor/Wiz 8
- Disrupting Weapon - Clr 5
- Eagle's Splendor - Brd 2, Clr 2, Pal 2, Sor/Wiz 2
- Eagle's Splendor, Mass - Brd 6, Clr 6, Sor/Wiz 6
- Enlarge Person, Mass - Sor/Wiz 4
- False Life - Sor/Wiz 2
- Fox's Cunning - Brd 2, Rgr 2, Sor/Wiz 2
- Fox's Cunning, Mass - Brd 6, Sor/Wiz 6
- Glibness - Brd 3
- Heroism - Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 3
- Heroism, Greater - Brd 5, Sor/Wiz 6
- Hold Monster, Mass - Sor/Wiz 9
- Hold Person, Mass - Sor/Wiz 7
- Inflict Critical Wounds, Mass - Clr 8
- Inflict Moderate Wounds, Mass - Clr 6
- Inflict Serious Wounds, Mass - Clr 7
- Longstrider - Drd 1, Rgr 1, Travel 1
- Moment of Prescience - Sor/Wiz 8
- Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum - Sor/Wiz 5
- Owl's Wisdom - Clr 2, Drd 2, Pal 2, Rgr 2, Sor/Wiz 2
- Owl's Wisdom, Mass - Clr 6, Drd 6, Sor/Wiz 6
- Polar Ray - Sor/Wiz 8
- Prying Eyes, Greater - Sor/Wiz 8
- Ray of Exhaustion - Sor/Wiz 3
- Reduce Person, Mass - Sor/Wiz 4
- Shout, Greater - Sor/Wiz 8
- Scorching Ray - Sor/Wiz 2
- Song of Discord - Brd 5
- Spell Immunity, Greater - Clr 8
- Summon Instrument - Brd 0
- Symbol of Weakness - Clr 7, Sor/Wiz 7
- Sympathetic Vibration - Brd 6
- Touch of Fatigue - Sor/Wiz 0
- Touch of Idiocy - Sor/Wiz 2
- Undeath to Death - Clr 6, Sor/Wiz 6
- Waves of Exhaustion - Sor/Wiz 7 (Nekromantie)
- Waves of Fatigue - Sor/Wiz 5 (Nekromantie)
- Crushing Despair (no details given other than it's a Bard and Wizard spell)
- filling gaps in schools with new spells. More spells to help differentiate classes like the Bard.
- For a caster to enhance a spell with a metamagic feat, they must have access to the spell slot that a metamagicked spell would normally utilize, even if a class ability allows a spell to be prepared in a lower level slot.
- Though an item or class ability might allow the casting of metamagicked spell at a lower level spell slot, all game mechanics, which rely on spell level, such as spell storage, treat the spell cast as if it were its normal level.
- Die 6 Attributs-Zauber (Bull's Strength usw.) sollen nur noch 1 Min/Stufe dauern und evtl. immer +5 geben.
Alter Self
erlaubt Größenveränderung
Call Lightning
Zeitaufwand: 1 Runde. Reichweite: Mittel. Wirkungsdauer: 1 Minute/Stufe. Effect: One or more 30-ft.-long vertical lines of lightning.
Immediately upon completion of the spell, and once per round thereafter, you may call down a 5-foot-wid, 30-foot-long, vertical bolt of lightning that deals 3d6 points of electricity damage. The bolt of lightning flashes down in a vertical stroke at whatever target point you choose within the spell's range (measured from your position at the time). Any creatre in the target square or in the path of the bolt is affected.
You need not call a bolt of lightning immediately; other actions, even spell casting, can be performed. however, each round after the first you may use a standard acction (concentration on the spell) to call a bolt. You may call a total number of bolts equal to your caster level (maximum 10 bolts).
If you are outdoors and in a stormy area - a rain shower, clouds and wind, hot and cloudy conditions, or even a tornado (including a whirlwind formed by a djinni or an air elemental of at least Large size; see the Monster Manual) - each bolt deals 3d10 points of electricity damage instead of 3d6.
This spell functions indoors or underground but not underwater.
creeping doom
deals 62 damage/round for each square of the area of affect (16 squares) and shrinks to fill holes.
From a 25th lvl caster disintegrate does 40d6 on a failed save, 5d6 if saved.
Divine Power
gibt +6 Str und 1Hp/level
wird umbenannt in Bear's Endurance
enlarge and reduce
can grant a size category change if the effect is great enough.
Finger of Death
You can slay any one living creature within range (25ft + 5ft/2 levels). The target is entitled to Fort save to survive the attack. IF the save is successful, the creature instead takes 3d6 points of damage +1 point per caster level (max +25). The subject might die from damage even if it survives its saving throw.
can only call and control creatures of your caster level or less.
kostet 1000 EP beim Wirken des Zaubers.
Greater Magic Weapon
This spell gives a weapon an enhancement bonus to attack and damage of +1.
This bonus increases to +2 at 8th caster level.
+1 pro 6 Zauberstufen, max. +3.
Greater Magic Weapon dauert immer noch 1/Stunde Level und gibt +1 für vier Level und funktioniert auf bis zu 50 Geschosse.
Harm, Heal
harm has a Will save for half, 10 hp lost/level (max 150 hp lost)
heal cures a maximum of 10 hp/level (150 hp max) also
Targets: One creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart.
When making a full attack action, a hasted creature may make one extra attack with any weapon he is holding. The attack is made using the creature's full base attack bonus, plus any modifiers appropriate to the situation. (This effect is not cumulative with similar effects, such as that provided by a weapon of speed, nor does it actually grant an extra action, so you can't use it to cast a second spell or otherwise take an extra action in the round.)
A hasted creature gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Any condition that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses.
All of the hasted creature's modes of movement (including land movement, burrow, climb, fly, and swim) increase by 30 feet, to a maximum of twice the subject's normal speed using that form of movement. This increase counts as an enhancement bonus, and it affects the creature's jumping distance as normal for increased speed.
Hold Person
"Hold Person" gewährt dem Opfer jede Runde einen neuen Rettungswurf.
bringt nur +10 mit +1 pro Caster Level bis max. +30.
Mass Haste
can now affect all targets within 30 ft. (only +2 AC bonus now).
Polymorph (self/other)
Duration: 1min/lvl; 1HD/Caster Lvl (up to 15 HD); Size Change restricted; No EX, SU, SP-Abilities, ausser EX-Attack Forms (e.g.: "Rend").
Polymorph (self): Nur Caster-Lvl an HD (15 HD max.); restricts size changes; no (EX), (SU) or (SP) Abilities, ausser (EX) Attack Forms (e.g. "Rend"); Duration: 1min/lvl
Baneful Polymorph (Polymorph other): Minor restrictions (?); +4 Save Throw, if new form is fatal (e.g. Tuna in Desert).
granting extraordinary attacks, but not qualities.
Die stärke des Gegners wird entscheidend sein, ob man Scryen kann oder nicht. Also vermutlich eine Art Caster Level Check.
Will Save.
is limited to double your caster level in HD of creature assumed
The disk also intercepts attacks, providing a +4 bonus to Defense.
Shield wird überarbeitet und wird einen Shieldbonus geben der nicht mit dem Bonus von Schilden stacked. Rüstungen werden Armor Bonus geben, Schilde sollen einen Shield Bonus geben.
only a move or standared action, move is at half speed, and -1 to attack, AC, and reflex.
The subject gains damage reduction 10/adamantine against physical attacks.
Once the spell has prevented a total of 10 points of damage per caster level, it is discharged.
can affect one object per caster level (15 maximum) within the weight limits of the spell
time stop
works as the ELH variant: physical attacks, all touch spells, and all harmful spells/effects brought into the area by the time stopped caster can not affect creatures/things in normal time
wall of force
has a Reflex negates if the hemisphere is centered on any unwilling targets
- Mehr PKs im RDMG: (* = new)
- Arcane Archer
- *Arcane Trickster
- *Archmage → Spell Power geht nicht mehr auf DC, sondern lediglich auf das Caster Level (für SR, Schaden, Wirkungsdauer etc.).
- Assassin
- Blackguard
- *Dragon Disciple
- *Duelist
- Dwarven Defender
- *Eldritch Knight (Fighter/Arcane Spellcaster) → wird wohl ein Fighter BAB und 9x +1 Caster Level in seiner Progression haben und 1W6 als HD.
- *Hierophant
- *Horizon Walker
- Loremaster
- *Mystic Theurge
- *Red Wizard
- Shadowdancer
- *Thaumaturgist
Magische Gegenstände
- Bonuses to skills more expensive: Die Berechnung der Kosten für Skill Items ist Bonus x Bonus x100. Die Rechnung geht wohl bis +30 danach ist es ein Epic Item.
- Holy Avenger improved to justify cost.
- Activating boots of speed or a monk's belt is a free action.
- Brilliant energy property is only a +3 weapon ability now.
- Ring of evasion: The evasion granted by this item is the same as that granted by the Monk or Rogue classes and is subject to the same limitations.
- Holy avenger: SR is now equal to 10 + paladin's level and it acts as a holy sword spell (remove the +2d6 holy damage).
- Speed property only grants one extra attack regardless of how many speed weapons a character is wielding.
- Vorpal property can only affect a creature of one size category larger than the weapon.
- Magic items are listed with a degree and type of magic (presumably for purposes of detect magic). Example: a new magic item, the Red Slaad Cloak, is listed as "strong abjuration" (it grants a natural armor bonus and various energy resistance).
- "The magic item construction guidelines are also more robust than ever (though still as much art as science). Magic item descriptions include strength of magic and school of effect, making detect magic much easier to adjudicate on the fly." (Andy Collins)
- Ring of Jumping bringt +5 auf Jump für 2500 Gp, es gibt eine verbesserter Version die +10 gibt und 10.000 Gp Wert ist.
- Boots of Elvenkind geben auch nur noch einen +5 Bonus und kosten 2500 gp.
- Es gibt nicht mehr die Kreaturen-Art Beast. Kreaturen dieser Art werden entweder zu Magical Beasts oder Animals gehören.
- Alle CRs im MM sollen überdacht werden.
- Neue Kreaturentypen: Swarm, Extraplanar und Symbiont.
- Native Outsiders are vulnerable to the banishment spell returning to the plane of their deity or one appropriate to their alignment.
- Creature subtypes (fire, cold, water, air, earth) now take a -10 penalty to save against their opposed element. OTHER rumor: they take 50% extra damage.
- Drachen haben Blindsense statt Blindsight.
- In the 3.5 MM bonus feats will be indicated with a superscript "b" after the feat name.
- "The MM has a lot of tools for creating new monsters, advancing monsters, and using monsters as player characters and cohorts. We reviewed ..each monster, for example, and if we thought there was a good chance it might be used as a PC, we gave it a level adjustment. If it was a monster that someone would like as a cohort, we gave it an LA (cohort) notation. We also included read aloud text describing every ..monster so that you don't have to wing it whenever you introduce a new monster." (Ed Greenwood)
- "There's a section on setting target challenge ratings for new monsters and material on how to consider CRs for advanced monsters. We talk about how to playtest a CR and we also talk about how adding a class level to your monster affects its CR." (Ed Greenwood)
- "Those definitions get better with the new revision. We've reduced the number of types to maintain stronger difference between them. No more Beast (move to Animal or Magical Beast), no more Shapechanger (now a subtype). More subtypes, and clearer use of subtypes (Reptilian is a subtype for Humanoids only and we've added the Extraplanar subtype to clarify which creatures are treated as "foreign" to the plane you're on)." (Andy Collins)
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